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🖥️ Developer

Welcome to This short guide will get you started with using the API.

Creating your integration key

To access the API, you will need an integration key. These can be generated easily from the partner portal:

  1. Look at the URL bar of your web browser, and notice the number that was appended after This is your application id, save or memorize it.
  2. Open the Integration tab.
  3. Click the red Create API Key button.
  4. Enter the key name.
  5. Press the Create button.
  6. The secret key value will appear, keep it somewhere safe.

Testing your API key

The API is documented at the home page. Let's try sending an API call.

  1. Click the Authorize button.
  2. Enter the key name in the client_id field.
  3. Enter the secret key value in the client_secret field.
  4. Press Authorize and then close the dialog.
  5. Scroll down to the GET V4/Partner/{ApplicationId}/IntegrationKeys endpoint.
  6. Open its card and press the Try it Out button.
  7. Enter your application id in the applicationId input.
  8. Press the Execute button.
  9. Notice the 200 OK reply, and the JSON body of the response.

Next steps

Take a quick look at the other API calls available to you, and try a few other GET calls.